Live Steam Chuffer Videos
On my original Summerlands Chuffer website there were many great videos contributed by customers – all linked to their Youtube channels. My sincere thanks to all who contributed and hopefully many folk have enjoyed them over the past dozen years.
For this new website I will add some customer videos, but am mainly starting with just a few from my Summerlandsteam Youtube channel, which hosts over 200 videos going back to the very early days of the Summerlands Light Railway (SLR) and the Summerlands Chuffer.
In case anyone is confused by the mix of 16mm and 7/8ths scale – I run both on the same 32mm track, but only use the terminus station area for 16mm as the buildings really set the scale.
Other railways that may feature here are the Holt Wood Light Railway (HWLR – currently sleeping), the Dingle Leigh Railway (DLR – now gone) and the Overcombe Light Railway (OLR – going from strength to strength), so my thanks to Roy Wood, David Turner and Mike Jackson for their help over the years.